Sunday, September 13, 2020

Monopoly Board Game & Generosity

 So, during my hospital stay over the last week or so (I was struggling with voices at an intense level), I played a lot of Monopoly with my new friends in the Psych Ward. This was a good distraction from the voices. I decided to try putting into practice a lifestyle of giving ("give and it shall be given unto you") and God's response was almost immediate and ended up with me winning 3/5 games. I just kept landing on Free Parking and getting all of the goodies in the center of the board. And I was smart with investing early, investing often (especially railroads because there's a higher chance of hitting railroads than any of the 2 or 3 slotted property groups. That $200 income was practically steady! Oh, and I kept landing on GO and collected $500! This, along with some shrewd trading between players, put me on top all the time! And the secret? This lifestyle of giving - I would regularly give people above and beyond what I owed them - telling them to keep the change. I even gave away $100 to every player at one point. And I kept others afloat in the game by way of mercy on things they could not afford to pay. It was amazing! And contagious! Pretty soon other players were doing the same thing - being exceptionally giving! I even practiced "Blessing the blessed" - when one player was emerging to the forefront and was obviously blessed (In this case it was beginner's luck for her - I believe that this is from the hand of God - that if you're new to something, He gives you extra grace so you can learn the game and not get frustrated, thus: beginner's luck (but it's not luck, it's grace)), I blessed her with gifts and "keep the change"'s - and I was blessed in return. And the other cool thing is, even though I lost 2/5 games, I had way more fun being generous and watching others succeed than if I hadn't decided to be generous. I also prayed over the game - for God's blessing, and I kept praying for Free Parking and I got it probably 75% of the time if you take into consideration how many times others landed on it. Anyways, it was really cool to see God's hand at work in a board game, a safe microcosm in which to learn the "rules of life" - I can't wait to start doing this sort of thing in the real world! Or maybe play Monopoly with real money - hahaha. Is that gambling? Oops. Lol!

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