Thursday, July 30, 2020

A LONG Ride and Some Chocolate Silk Pie, and My Ordination Ring

Well, yesterday I went on a LONG bike ride ( ) - 14.28 miles! I rode all the way out to Perkins on the Far East Side for some chocolate silk pie and an iced tea. My phone died on the way to my parents' place so there's a big long straight line from that location to my parents' place. It sill saved my workout, however! So that's great. I also had a rough morning this morning - lots of battles with the flesh, the world, and the devil - they think they can take me but they can't when I have Jesus Christ of Nazareth on my side! In His name I cast out every unclean, every foul spirit - and Satan Himself - from my life out into the outside world in Jesus Christ's name! OH! and I got my ordination ring in Grama's mail today - she's the one who bought it - and it's really nice. REALLY nice. I also went on a "brief" 3 mile walk today ( ). My right knee & legs hurt though, from yesterday's bike ride. Need to stretch it out from now on.

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