Tuesday, September 22, 2020

4.11 mi Walk, Saying "Hi" to Some Dogs, and a Great Conversation

I got out on a walk around both neighborhoods - and found a tripod dog and another, rescue dog together along the way. It was totally cool. Got to meet some new neighbors as well (their owners). Then mom came and got me for coffee, and then I continued my walk around the neighborhoods, 2x through the wooded path, 1x through the trailer park. Towards the end of my walk, as I was going around the block around my apartment building for a few laps to finish out my 4mi goal, and I ran into Dan, a neighbor, and we had a great discussion on Trump, politics, COVID, and God. We're both excited to cast our vote this Fall. And we're NOT mailing in a ballot - that's just itching for voter fraud to happen.


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