Today I went on a brief walk to the bank, Kwik Trip, and back to the Group Home.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Went to Pick Up Mail & Grabbed a Free Coffee at Kwik Trip
Today I went out to get a coffee & read some scripture, then out to my apartment to grab my mail - and I got $173 in the mail from Energy Assistance! Plus some additional help went straight to MG&E. I'm very thankful that I have these supports - they make me more free to save up money for an emergency fund, as well as eventually start investing in Mutual Funds.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Went to Get Some NOS from Kwik Trip
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Brief Walk to Kwik Trip and Back
Monday, October 26, 2020
2+mi Walk to Apartment and Back
Today I went to my apartment to list some things for sale on eBay. Had a major anxiety attack on the way back to the group home - I went to Willy St Co-Op Northside for some Brie, then walked back to the group home. I called my mom on the way back and she helped.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
A Walk to Kwik Trip w/ My Roommate from the Group Home
Today I went on a walk to Kwik Trip and back again, with my roommate from the group home. I also had the chance to do a personality test with him ( Talked with P. - she needs help. Lots of help, overcoming fear and rejection. Please do pray for her!
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Library, Free Food, and Kwik Trip - and Time Spent Ministering to P. in the Group Home
Today I went on a walk out to the Library to drop off a book, and stumbled on some guys giving away free groceries and flowers! I picked up some cookies, danishes, and a bouquet of flowers for my mom. I gave one flower to P. here in the group home, hoping it would cheer her up. I also went on a walk from Kwik Trip back to the group home. Did some further praying with my roommate. Helped P. with writing down her passions, dreams, and abilities, and shared the gospel with her.
Friday, October 23, 2020
A Quick Walk to Kwik Trip and Back w/ Patti - And More Work Done on the Game
Today I went on a quick walk to Kwik Trip and back to the group home with Patti, one of the other residents here. It was nice to have some company. I bought 4 NOS's (I know, too much sugar!) but that's what I run on when I'm coding. That's right! I'm back at it again coding my game "Anointed One" - just needed some time to get a fresh perspective and I was able to fix several bugs and add a few new features - including a Bible Search panel. Now I need to sort that search result by relevance - which is proving to be a bit more complicated than simple string matching. But I welcome the challenge!
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Further Opportunities for Ministry
I've been able to pray for more and more people at the group home! Totally awesome!
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
A Walk Out to the Chiropractor & Christmas Shopping!
Monday, October 19, 2020
Quick Night Walk to Apartment and Back to Group Home
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Opportunities for Ministry
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Nice Walk to Mom & Dad's Place
A nice walk out to mom & dad's place to use their internet and mom gave me a ride back to the group home.
Friday, October 16, 2020
A Walk Out to Mom & Dad's Place and Back to the Group Home + 3 Sandhill Cranes
Today I walked out to mom & dad's place and used their internet, then came back home to the group home. Saw some Sandhill Cranes & caught a video of them.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
A Walk to Mom & Dad's and Another Walk to My Apartment + My Book Arrived!
Today I walked over to mom & dad's place, hung out for awhile, got my face licked off by Fynn (our dog), then walked back to the group home.
Later on, after dinner, I walked over to my apartment to pick up my mail - including Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover that just came in today.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
A Walk Home
Today I went on a walk home from the group home (to mom & dad's place) and caught a ride home from my mom.
Today I prayed for my friend Goldy (and his family) and a roommate in the group home - it was great! The roommate (a 40-something female) wanted to be filled with the Spirit, and as I prayed for her, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit inside me, and I prayed that she would be filled! I also prayed recently for the Public Advocate of the United States, and the president (of the Public Advocate) had great success at his subsequent rally at the White House.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Group Home & Two Walks
Today I went on two walks. One around the block several times (up to about 0.79mi).
And one from the group home I'm staying at to the Kwik Trip, then out to my apartment to pick up some things and back again.
As far as the group home goes - I'm here for 1-2 months, and I believe it to be a great opportunity for ministry. So do others in my life.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
A Walk Through Both Neighborhoods, Out to Willy St Co-Op, and Around the West Neighborhood
A good long walk out into the trailer park (East) neighborhood, and then around in back through the woods (West neighborhood) where I met a wonderful dog and her owner. But I don't remember their names! Oh well. Then I went out to Willy St Co-Op for some Brie, Raspberries, Naan, and Arizona Iced Tea. Then I came back around into the West neighborhood for another walk through the woods and back to my apartment again.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
A (Shorter) Walk Around the West Neighborhood + A Walk with Grama & Grampa
Today I went on a shorter walk around the West neighborhood through the woods and back, then out to Sherman to get picked up by Grama for a walk with her & Grampa.
Here's the walk with Grama & Grampa:
Friday, October 9, 2020
You Guessed It - Another Walk Around Both Neighborhoods
This morning I went on another walk around both neighborhoods, 2x in back through the woods and back again.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
A Walk Around Both Neighborhoods
Today I started out with a big walk around both neighborhoods (2x around in the woods and back).
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
A Bike Ride to the Chiropractor and Back
A nice bike ride from home to Chiropractor and back again.
Two Walks
Went on two walks today, one before my TB Test & COVID-19 Test, and one after. Met a dog named Jake on my second walk, and a very talkative little boy along the way too.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Two Nice Walks & A Bike Ride
A nice 4.65 mi walk out to UWCU to deposit $5.00 into my checking, then a bike ride out to the UPS Store, and finally another short walk around the apartment complex.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Two Walks Around My Parents' Place & Around My Neighborhood Back Behind in the Woods
Today I went on a walk around the block at my parent's place, then around the schoolyard a couple times. Then I went on another walk around in the back in the woods behind my apt complex, and around N Sherman Ave and Northport Dr back to Packers Ave.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Friday, October 2, 2020
Another Visit With A Dog & A Neighbor & My Walk Around The Neighborhoods
This morning I went on my "new usual" walk and encountered a 14-week-old puppy with his owner and their son. Lots of kisses & gnawing on my fist lol. Then I met a neighbor who I know from a weekly meeting I go to via zoom every Tuesday night. That was cool. We talked for a bit. I made sure I did at least 4+ miles on this walk, by adding laps around the apartment building.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
A 500+ Calorie Walk Around Both Neighborhoods
Today I went on a casual walk around both neighborhoods on either side of Packers Ave (my "usual" walk minus the woods being closed behind Lakeview Elementary) I'm currently reading Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Revisited. And will soon have his Total Money Makeover Workbook, coming in the mail.
A Shortened Walk Around Both Neighborhoods
Today I went on a shortened walk around both neighborhoods, only 5K steps. Stopped to say hi to Whiskey, a (bulldog?) that I've met before on my walks around the neighborhood behind my Apartment Building. He's very nice and likes kisses. Lol.
Defeating Evolution On A Mathematical Basis
Defeating Evolution On A Mathematical Basis - An Article I Wrote in High School The majority of the arguments against or for evolution o...
Today instead of finishing up on Tennyson & coming back home, I went an extra lap around the Northeast Side (Tennyson to Sherman to Nort...
Defeating Evolution On A Mathematical Basis - An Article I Wrote in High School The majority of the arguments against or for evolution o...
I have recently been ministering to peoples' physical needs through doTERRA essential oils, which have made a tremendous impact on my o...