Today I went on a walk around the neighborhood and then a little later continued my walk around the block at my parents' place.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Arboretum Ride With Max & Macy, Two More Rides Beyond That
This morning I went on a bike ride from Olin Park into the Arboretum and back again with my Bible Study friends Max & Macy. It was fun! Really got my legs burning.
Then, I went on another bike ride to McDonald's for a McChicken, Fries, and a Coke, and then out to my Mom & Dad's place to hang out with my Mom.
Then, I went on a third and final bike ride back home.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Two Walks and a Bike Ride to the Bank and Back
Today I went on two walks - one around the neighborhood incl. the woods, and one out and around to McDonald's for a McChicken and a Coke, and then later a bike ride to the bank and back - I accidentally ended the workout at Walgreens where I stopped to get a Couple of Gatorades. Oops. Oh well.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Two Walks and a Bike Ride & Bus Downtown and Back
This morning I went on a walk around the neighborhood with a ride out for coffee with Mom.
Then I went on a bike ride to Willy St Co-Op Northside, then back home, then out on the bus to downtown (the Square) and rode my bike down to The Memorial Union, then to Starbucks, then walked a half mile up State St to Michelangelo's to eat my lunch I bought at Willy St (Raspberries, Brie, Oat Milk), then walked back again, then rode my bike back up to the Square and caught a bus to the North Transfer Point, then rode my bike back home from there, with a quick stop at McDonald's for a McChicken and a Coke. I burned 996 Calories today total.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Walk, A Bike Ride, and Buying Two Kids Some Snacks
Today was great! I went on a walk around the neighborhood (through the woods), and back around to Packers Ave and got a Gatorade at the BP. Then I went on a bike ride to Kwik Trip, and helped buy two kids some snacks they didn't have enough money for. "Good deeds prepared in advance for us to do." was the verse on my mind. Then I biked home.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Night Ride
Tonight after Life Group, I went on a night ride to try out my new headlights and rear flashers. Went without a hitch! Lots of fun - a little dangerous so I took Wheeler home instead of Northport Dr. Anyways, now I'm off to bed!
Walk & A Long Bike Ride
This morning I went on a walk:
And in the afternoon I went on a long bike ride from Office Depot (arrived there on bus) down to downtown & the Square, around the Capitol, then back out on E Wash to the Yahara River Bike Trail, then to Mom & Dad's place for a visit, then back home again. My phone died on the way so there's a big jump on the map:
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
A Walk From the UPS Store Back Home
This afternoon I walked from the UPS Store back home (took the bus out). I still have a lot of pain in my right knee, took some ibuprofen for it.
A Long 4mi Walk
Monday, August 17, 2020
A Brief Walk
Today I went on a brief 2.11mi walk:
And a bike ride of 2.9mi but I forgot to end the workout so there's a big flatline over a good last chunk of the workout's total time.
Several Walks Up In Hatfield
Friday, August 14, 2020
A Walk & A Bike Ride & Heading Up North
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Many More Walks and Rides
Just catching up on all my recent exercise activities...
A walk on the 10th:
A walk with Grama on the 10th:
A bike ride on the 10th:
Two bike rides and a walk on the 12th:
A walk today with a bit of a car ride mixed in (oops):
A walk today with Grama:
Sunday, August 9, 2020
A Walk With Grama
Some Off-Roading On My Bike Ride
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Birthday & Bike Ride
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Two Walks Today - One With Grama & Grampa
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Two Half-Mile Runs
Sunday, August 2, 2020
10+ Mile Bike Ride With Bible Study Friends
Healing For My Knee
Saturday, August 1, 2020
4+ Mile Walk & A Sore Knee
Defeating Evolution On A Mathematical Basis
Defeating Evolution On A Mathematical Basis - An Article I Wrote in High School The majority of the arguments against or for evolution o...
Today instead of finishing up on Tennyson & coming back home, I went an extra lap around the Northeast Side (Tennyson to Sherman to Nort...
Defeating Evolution On A Mathematical Basis - An Article I Wrote in High School The majority of the arguments against or for evolution o...
I have recently been ministering to peoples' physical needs through doTERRA essential oils, which have made a tremendous impact on my o...